Applied Robotics in Art and Design Education

After the conference is before the conference


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Between May 19th and 21st, our conference „Applied Robotics in Art and Design“ seems to have hit the right note. On the first day, around 20 persons took part in our hands-on workshop on applied robotics. We presented the new 7bot robots and compared their suitability to the Kuka robot within an academic design environment .

On our second day, we had around 12 talks in our full program. The spectrum of the positions and provocations presented had great influence on the thinking of our around sixty participants. The day ended with happy gathering around the food created by an Iranian cook.

The final day was dedicated to our visit of our site in Mulhouse, France. We presented to our guests this lovely town acting as the stage for postup.

After the conference is before the conference

During the conference evolved the concept of „crotok: the creators robotic toolkit“. Please have a look on our call for the crotok conference which will take place in May 2017 in Mulhouse: .

So we will, hopefully, meet again in May 2017, again on our stages of Mulhouse and Basel, during crotok_2017, which is a direct outcome of our conference. You find everything about crotok  on , where you can declare  your interest, if you want to stay in touch on this fascinating new project.

Very soon you will find info on the progress of crotok on

Here you find some of the talks and interviews.