
Enter Views on Crisis in Venice

The first presentation of the REALISE project in Collegio Armeno Moorat Raphael on the occasion of the preview of the 56th Venice Biennale 2015 gives a short glimpse on how contemporary art reacts towards the manifold European and global phenomena of crisis. By carrying out a broad program comprising an exhibition, a live cinema performance, workshops and discussions – artists as well as passers-by are invited to gather and discuss about the ‘nature of the beast’ as well as collaboratively concoct vital pathways of resistance towards crisis. Weiterlesen


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Enter Views on Crisis

Enter Views on Crisis is a 3-year project with the overall objective of decoding, analyzing and mapping crisis, in order to understand it, suggest solutions and multiply questions, through critique, production of scientific and artistic knowledge and creativity.


Cheap Laser Graphics Switzerland 2013

“Enter Views on Crisis” was launched in Basel, soon after its successful launch in Thessaloniki (see below), in the context of the Summit of Cheap Laser Graphics that took place in Museum Tinguely in Basel, in the framework of the opening of the exhibition “Metamatic Reloaded. New art projects in dialogue with Tinguely’s drawing machines”, featuring works by internationally established artists, such as Marina Abramovic, Thomas Hirschhorn and Jon Kessler.