
Modulvorschau: interact 2020

Modulvorschau: interact 2020

Im Modul interact freuen wir uns unter anderem auf Workshops zu «Founding a HyperWerk online radio station» von RadioEE, zu «Prototyping Tools for Collective Transformation» von Prem Krishnamurthy und Emily Smith, und zu «Zines – methods of self pubilishing» von den HyperWerk-Studierenden Delia, Val und Debi.

Während interact findet die dazugehörige Gesprächsreihe «On Becoming Bodies of Water» statt. Die Online-Gespräche sind für HyperWerker*innen und für alle Interessierten offen zugänglich.

Zur Modulvorschau
Modulvorschau: design 2020

Modulvorschau: design 2020

And sometimes many islands make one continent.*

The module design is inspired by the idea of an archipelago, an island group, a symbol for different forms, settings, and connections. 

DESIGN: We are looking forward to a set of three workshops, first working with the lecturers of the Velvetyne Type Foundry, then looking at means and ways of digital self-defense with Nushin Isabelle Yazdani and Daisy Kidd, and finally dealing with the making of spaces with Ortreport

FIRST GLIMPSE AND HANDS ON: We are also happy to announce a set of six workshops introducing different tools and technics, ranging from audio to layout, 3D, and coding. 

Zur Modulvorschau
Modulvorschau: assemble/reflect 2020

Modulvorschau: assemble/reflect 2020

Im Modul assemble/reflect wollen wir dem Jahresthema kommit to conflict auf den Grund gehen. Wir fragen uns: Wie können soziale Verhältnisse umgestaltet werden? Erst durch die Auseinandersetzung mit verinnerlichten Konflikten, wie strukturellen Diskriminierungsformen oder ausbeuterischen Verhältnissen zwischen Mensch und Umwelt, wird deren bewusstes Verlernen möglich.

Mehr + English Version

Modulvorschau: solve/produce 2020

The upcoming module solve/produce is an offer to get in action and for student projects to «become real». Due to the current situation, the module will take place online (which doesn’t make it less real in our humble opinion). We are very happy to offer four main workshops over the course of five weeks and to welcome a great set of guest lecturers.

«become real» instabilities: «Recognizing the fragile as a quality of expanded possibilities» with guest lecturers and artists of the collective bittelangsam – atelier sonore, Andrea Züllig and Heiko Schätzle

«become real» transitions: «Looking for your own inner images» with guest lecturers and artists Sonja Feldmeier and Aline Veillat

«become real» skill your darlings: «What can possibly be done? Deconstruction, humor and post punk as a workshop» with guest lecturers and HyperWerk-alumni of the collective Hotel Regina

«become real» words: «Writing as thought, text as world» with guest lecturer and journalist Anders Modig and Ralf Neubauer from HyperWerk

Furthermore, the module solve/produce will include inputs on the following topics: multimedia offline, multimedia online, RHINO and virtual reality.

Deutsche Version